What 10 Things Do Youth Need to Know About Meth Abuse and Addiction?

Living in the country notorious as Europe’s main supplier of methamphetamine and crystal meth, youth in the Czech Republic are at risk. Volunteers from Foundation for a Drug-Free World bring the truth about this drug to schools. They provide drug education to protect youth from this and other highly dangerous drugs.
Here are 10 things youth everywhere need to know about meth and crystal meth:
- Meth is highly addictive.
- It is most commonly used as a “club drug,” taken while partying in nightclubs or at rave parties. Dealers may promote it as safe and fun, but that’s a lie.
- Its most common street names are ice or glass.
- It is also called Pervitin.
- Meth creates a false sense of happiness and well-being—a rush of confidence, hyperactiveness and energy.
- Because of this, users develop a strong desire to continue using the drug.
- Meth burns up the body’s resources, creating a devastating dependence that can only be relieved by taking more of the drug.
- Crystal meth’s effect is concentrated, and many users report getting hooked from the first time they use it.
- The toxic ingredients in meth lead to severe tooth decay known as “meth mouth.” The teeth become black and stained. They often have to be pulled.
- From the start, methamphetamine begins to destroy the user’s life.
Volunteers from Foundation for a Drug-Free World bring the Truth About Drugs initiative to youth to protect them from this and other highly dangerous drugs.

They provide lectures to students in schools. In the questionnaires students fill out after the lectures, it is common to read that they really didn’t know much about the effects of these drugs. It opens their eyes and they feel they are far less likely to experiment with drugs.
The teachers also appreciate having these dedicated volunteers engage the students in discussions, sharing their own experiences and encouraging the youth to discuss the effects drugs have had on their friends and families.