Drug-free “Cyclorun” Changes a Nation’s Attitude Toward Drugs
Fifteen years in a row, runners and bicyclists gather for a marathon in support of drug-free living and contribute to a national drop in drug usage rates.

The Czech Republic is drowning in drugs. Of a population of 10 million, up to 80,000 are suspected chronic drug users. And with a full 28 percent of the population using marijuana—over 60,000 using daily—the Czech Republic ranks highest in marijuana use of any country in Europe.
Vlastimil Špalek recognized the only real answer was effective drug education. He decided to take a personal stand to halt the epidemic and use sports and athletics as the vehicle for his drug-free message.
So it was that in 2003, Špalek and his team launched a national event called “Run for a Drug-Free Czech Republic.” Marathoners ran city to city, distributing The Truth About Drugs booklets. Seeing the results, Špalek realized young people were hungry for honest information about drugs and decided to expand the campaign’s reach by adding a second component—bicycling. Thus the first “Cyclorun” was born.
This year’s 15th annual Cyclorun started in the town of Orlová and ended 12 days and 1,250 km (776 miles) later. The athletes visited 38 cities and reached more than 120,000 Czech youth and citizens with the truth about drugs. This is in addition to some three million reached through newspaper, TV, radio and Internet media. In each city, local officials joined on by signing a “Say No to Drugs” declaration.
Vlastimil Špalek recognized the only real answer was effective drug education. He decided to take a personal stand to halt the epidemic and use sports and athletics as the vehicle for his
drug-free message.
After years of hard work, they’ve changed the attitude toward drugs in the country—the government now advocates drug education and supports Drug-Free World.
More significantly, drug usage across the country has decreased: According to the government’s annual report, the number of heavy drug addicts has dropped for the first time in eight years and the consumption of alcohol among children under the age of 16 has declined as well.
“That’s what’s really important,” says Špalek. “I knew this program had the potential of saving countless lives. It has. And that’s why I’ve never given up my fight against drugs.”
How many can be educated in a year? Here are Drug-Free World’s results for 12 months.
aired our drug prevention They Said, They Lied PSAs to an estimated 113 million people.
worldwide received Drug-Free World materials or lectures dispelling drug myths with truth.
educated on The Truth About Drugs and empowered to choose drug-free lives.
to the DrugFreeWorld.org website for free and effective drug education resources.
reached just in the last year with booklet distributions, educational seminars and media.

Support the Foundation for a Drug-Free World and help protect young lives from the destructive effects of drugs. Your contributions enable us to make our educational materials available free of charge to schools, youth organizations and other groups and individuals. Your support helps empower people with the facts they need to live healthy, drug-free lives.