| UKRAINE | 23 JUNE 2019 |

A Drug-Free Flash Mob to Protect Kids from Drugs

DFW Ukraine teams up with local NGOs, police and government for a drug-free festival and flash mob.
A Drug-Free World flash mob led by local police in Dnipro, Ukraine.
A Drug-Free World flash mob led by local police in Dnipro, Ukraine.

When police and students come together to fight drug abuse, what do you get? A flash mob, of course.

As part of a partnership between the local police in Dnipro, Ukraine, and Drug-Free World, students were taught the truth about drugs and dance moves by the police. They were then able to share that knowledge at an anti-drug festival titled “I Love Life! I Say No to Drugs.”

Drug-Free World Ukraine, The Spirit of the Nation NGO, the “Healthy Nation” movement, the patrol police department of the Dnipropetrovsk region and the Dnipropetrovsk regional library co-organized the festival. It included sports workshops and demonstrations, arts and crafts, Truth About Drugs education and the flash mob.

An anti-drug festival created by the city’s police and officials.

Outside the Dnipro administration building, large screens aired the Truth About Drugs public service announcements. Then, students in DFW T-shirts and police broke into dance. Their message was simple, Ukraine will be happier without drugs.

The President of DFW Ukraine spoke, sharing that every child is at risk and will, at some point in their young lives, be offered drugs. Therefore, it is vital that they learn the truth about drugs.

The Chief of Police for the Department of Traffic for the Dnipro region also spoke, invoking a Ukrainian proverb to “make good friends with your neighbors, as they will be a free alarm.” Pointing out that each person needs to be an alarm for their friends to help and protect them when they may fall prey to drugs.