Drug Awareness Ads Take Silver Telly Awards

A series of drug education public service announcements from the Foundation for a Drug-Free World were honored with two Silver Telly Awards. One recognized the “They Said/They Lied” TV ad series as the “Best Public Service Campaign” and another award went to a single ad, “One Hit,” which was selected as “The Best Public Service Advertisement.”
Directed and co-written by award-winning director Gary Ravenscroft together with writer Christopher Smith, the powerful public service announcements show teens misled into drug abuse and tragedy.
The award-winning ads depict teens of different ethnicities saying what they were told that turned them onto drugs, followed by real-life episodes of the impact on the teen’s life and family. The dramatic and fast-paced videos close inviting the audience to “get the truth about drugs” at the Foundation’s website.
“These ads give people information about what drugs really do, not only to the individual, but his family, friends and community,” said director Ravenscroft. “Truthfully, we’re all at risk as drugs have a far-reaching effect on all of us. So these ads debunk what people hear on the streets and help get them the facts they need before it’s too late.”
Presented annually since 1978, the Telly Awards recognize the finest in advertising, video and film. In the last 29 years, the competition has become the largest of its kind with entries from 30 countries.
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